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Coaching Staff

The long tenure and success of this team are the direct result of many hours of volunteer time from the coaches who have a true passion for the sport, and of self?motivated youth who love the sport of jump rope.

Coach Kim is currently the Head Coach of the Greenbelt Sity Stars Jump Rope Team.  She has been committed to the sport of jump rope for 30 years.  Her involvement started as a jumper in the 5th grade in a Washington, DC elementary school.  And she has continued on spending 26 years coaching the Greenbelt Sity Stars team.

Coach Kim has compiled an impressive list of accomplishments not only coaching but also jumping, including earning the title of  Grand National Jump Rope Champion for several years.

Coach Kim is a Legal Secretary by day and the mom of two boys, Kobe (17) and Brandon (22) - Grand National Single Rope Speed Champion.

Coach Gibbs is the Founder of the Greenbelt S.I.T.Y. Stars jump rope team.  He is also a track coach who has coached the Forestville Knights for 26 years.  In his earlier years, he was an Olympic track star, representing the U.S. Virgin Islands and has raised 3 daughers, all of whom were athletes in high school and college (track, volleyball and basketball).  Of course, they all did jump rope as well.  Coach Gibbs still coaches with GSS, where his granddaughter, Jaidin (9), is now one of the star jumpers of the team.