COVID-19 Guidelines
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COVID-19 Guidelines

Published by Sunil Mehra
Feb 18, 2021

Safety Considerations and Precautions for Woodley Youth Cricket Academy

·       Presence of one parent per child – Only one parent is allowed to be at the ground/field with the child. This is to avoid larger gathering and abide by state and local agency policies during the match and practice sessions. Bring non-essential visitors and spectators only if necessary. Wearing mask at all times is strictly recommended.

·       Temperature check – Body temperature will be checked upon arrival to the ground. Any parent or child showing signs of increased temperature must depart the ground without further delay.

·       Safety precautions – It is imperative that masks are worn at all times on and off the field. Masks must cover your nose and mouth. The only time children must take their masks off is when they walk into the area of play and when they are engaged in practice sessions/activities. Wearing breathable masks is recommended as children can run and play comfortably.

·       Physical closeness – Close proximity must be avoided. A distance of 6 feet must be maintained between players, between players and coaches, between parents and coaches and between parents. This applies even when not engaged in the game on the field and off the field. Volunteer to help social distancing and impose safety measures amongst children. Wearing masks is mandatory when you are within 6 feet distance from others.

·       Intensity of activity – Physical contact on the field and off the field must be limited. Avoid high-fives, shake hands, fist bumps, hugs or any other action that can be considered as physical contact.

·       Length of time at the ground – Parents and players are encouraged to arrive at the ground right before the activity/sessions/match commence and must leave the ground as soon as the activity/sessions/match conclude. Socializing and friendly talks for a longer period of time pose risk.

·       Sharing – Bring your own gears and equipment. Everyone is responsible to bring their own essential things needed to practice and play. Avoid using the park benches and bleachers. Bring your own chairs to be placed 6 feet apart.

·       Parent responsibility – Parents are equally responsible to ensure that their child follow social distancing and take other protective actions. Parents must enforce that their child is wearing a mask. Breathable masks are recommended as it is comfortable during practice and games.

·       Social responsibility – Avoid attend the practice sessions or show up for matches if they have come in close contact with people contracted with covid-19 or showing Covid-19 symptoms or their next to kin are ill or sick or suffering from fever, headache, shortness of breath or any other symptoms that indicates contraction of Corona virus. Any such event must be immediately reported to Woodley Tigers Committee member(s). The affected person and their family must not attend practice or games for a required duration of one month from the date subsequent Covid test returns as negative. They can rejoin the practice and games after a month.

·       Eatables and water/beverages – It is suggested that parents and children bring their own food items and water/beverages to consume during the practice/match.

·       Hygiene - It is suggested that children wash their hands and/or use hand sanitizers (with > 60% alcohol) more frequently while they are at the ground. Advice children to cover their mouth or use a paper towel or a tissue when coughing and sneezing. It will be personal responsibility of the parents to see to it that the child/children adhere to sanitization rules and maintain personal hygiene in case they use the equipment owned by the club such as cricket balls, wickets etc.

·       Travel and stay home – It is strongly recommended that the child and their family avoid attending any activity/session/practice/match if anyone in the family have travelled within the country or outside the country by public transportation or by air in the past one week. They can join the practice and games after 14 days of quarantine.

·       Commute – Avoid carpool and vanpool. Ride with people from your own household.

·       Backup – Bring extra masks, hand sanitizers (with > 60% alcohol), water bottles to the ground.

·       Cleanliness – Use the trash bin appropriately. Do not leave food boxes, left over eatables, used tissue/paper towel, water bottles etc. at the ground. Pick what you used and throw them in the trash bin.

·       Games etiquette – Avoid using saliva or sweat to shine the ball. Carry a towel to wipe and clean the playing gears and equipment.

·       Personal belongings – Keep each player’s belongings adequately separated from others.