California Cricket Academy - 2024-25 Annual Program - Tier 2 Elite Package
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2024-25 Annual Program - Tier 2 Elite Package

Sport 2024-25 Annual Program - Tier 2 Elite Package
Benefits of CCA Champion package plus additional benefits listed below. Price: $ 5000. Benefits include: * CCA Signature Package - $2750 * 20 High Intensity Nets (HINT) sessions pre- scheduled – 2 players with 1 coach or 4 players with 2 coaches for one hour valued at $1500 * 5 1:1 bundled package - $ 550 * On-line 30 minute Mentoring sessions for motivation and Mental conditioning with NCA coaches trained to guide professional athletes Frequency – Once every two months - $220
All registration options are closed
Program Details
Program start date: Mar 18, 2024
Program end date: -
Male, Female
Eligibility criteria
2024 Annual Program
Registration Details
Registration status
Registration start date: -
Registration end date: -
Registrants will be assigned to the team
2024-25 Annual Program Members
Note: Only when paid online during the registration.
Payment Details
Program fee payment type
One time payment
Total amount
Late fee
$ 150.00
Due date
Mar 20, 2024
Pricing for multiple players in a family
Family maximum amount
Discount amount for each additional family player
2nd member: $500.00
3rd member: $0.00
4th member and more: $0.00
Payment mode
Both online and offline payments are accepted
Additional convenience fee applied

This Tier 2 Elite package will includes all the benefits of CCA Signature package plus additional benefits listed below at a discounted price. This package is for the players who are wants additional practice and more complete experience.

Price: $ 5000

Here are exclusive benefits with associated cost included :

  • CCA Signature Package - $2750

  • 20 High Intensity Nets (HINT) sessions pre- scheduled – 2 players with one coach or 4 players with 2 coaches for one hour valued at  $1500

  • 5 1:1 bundled package - $ 550

  • On-line 30 minute Mentoring sessions for motivation and Mental conditioning with NCA coaches trained to guide professional athletes Frequency – Once every two months - $450

  • Final cost with discount - $5000 (Discount included)

    CCA Signature Package Benefits are:

    • 40 - 44 weeks of coaching (instead of 28 weeks of coaching in 2023)

    • Twice a week training for 90 minutes each including open nets

    • Fitness training day once a week

    • Internal games (within CCA teams) without any extra cost (umpire and external ground fees if incurred will be extra)

    • Challenge players to next level in games and in the nets

    • Eligible for local, national and international tournaments (@cost basis)

    • Once a quarter on-line group seminar on various aspects of athlete development by our expert sports personalities

    • Access to our facilities  - Dilworth, Library field and Collins when not in use for trainings

      Vacation timings –

      * Memorial day weekend (05/24, 05/25, 05/26,05/27) * Labor day - 08/31,09/01,09/02 * Independence day 07/01 to 07/07 *CCF Holiday for U12, U4, U16 seniors batch *Summer Vacation - July 22 - Aug 11th * Thanksgiving Weekend - Nov 25th through Dec 1st * Christmas Break - Dec 21st through Jan 5th

CCA Liability Waiver and Release form
Please read and sign that you have read the liability waiver policy. 
I have read and agree with the California Cricket Academy Liability Waiver policy
CCA Parent & Player Code of Conduct
Player and parent code of conduct
I have read and I agree with the California Cricket Academy player and parent code of conduct

All registration options are closed