Academic Eligibility Policy
Eligibility for all extracurricular activities will be determined by academic and/or behavioral performance:
Students must maintain a “C” average or better in every core subject.
Students must exhibit behavior that is reflective of school standards and Gospel values. Students must not have a “U” in citizenship or work habits or have had in-school or out-of-school suspension.
Eligibility will be checked weekly during a sport season or during the time period of an extracurricular event.
Students will be granted one week of academic probation in order to correct their grades. If grades are not rectified, the student will become ineligible. Ineligible students will miss one week of practices and games until the following week when a new evaluation will occur.
The Athletic Director will notify students, parents and coaches at the beginning of week if the student is on probation or is ineligible.
Exceptions may occur based on the discretion of the Principal. The homeroom teacher or principal will notify the Athletic Director who will then inform the coaches immediately. If at any time a student’s behavior performance is deemed to be not meeting school standards, the principal reserves the right to render that student ineligible until the situation is rectified. The Principal will notify the Athletic Director who will then inform the coaches immediately.