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Published by Teo Zanetic
Jan 09, 2022

Q: I want to make a team but I don’t want the hassle of chasing down fees.

A: Each player can pay online towards team fees as an option. You don’t chase anyone.


Q: That’s pretty cool you came up with the 4 week, 2x games/week as a season called a flight

A: Thanks, we think so, too. But…what’s your question?


Q: What if some of my roster drop out or can’t afford the player fees?

A: Recruit and replace. We manage a wait list, too.


Q: What if our team can only play 2 of the 5 flights?

A: That can be done. We designed the program to best handle the pandemic uncertainties whilst giving max game time for players in concentrated pockets.


Q: I registered my team elsewhere, but we want Spartan now.

A: We hear that often and thanks. Can you get a refund? We have rapid onboarding to help your team join.


Q: 18 players required?

A: No, you can have a smaller roster.


Q: Can I have more than 18?

A: No, but you can recruit more players and replace as needed for each flight of games.


Q: I have a team of 12, how does the team fee work?

A: The team fee doesn’t change.


Q: Can I charge players more than what is posted towards the team fee?

A: You charge what you want. Be upfront with your players.


Q: Can I subsidize the team fees and spread the balance amongst players?

A: Yes and we can set it up as you wish for online player payments.


Q: What if there is a shutdown mid way thought a flight?

A: We delay until they allow us to continue.


Q: How does a shut down overlap with the next flight?

A: It doesn’t. Unplayed games per flight are applied against the next flight.


Q: What if the whole summer season is under pandemic and we only play 1 month?

A: That’s why we devised the flight concept so that we can pivot quickly, enjoy games in a compressed format, and bunker down as per AHS.


Q: Do our players get to play for free in the cohort program on other days?

A: Yes


Q: Do the players in the cohort program get to play as a sub on our team if we are short?

A: No. The cohort players would need to upgrade. You can recruit them.