colerain youth cheer - FAQ
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Colerain Cardinal Youth Cheer (CYC) Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register my cheerleader?

Registration & Registration fees are completed online, please click the registration tab from the home page.  A registration is not considered complete unless payment is complete.  Registration will open March 22, 2025

How much does it cost to join CYC?

Registration fee for the 2025/26 Cheer season is $100.  This secures a spot on the cheer squad and covers basic cheerleading costs such as cheerleader insurance.  This fee does not include uniform costs, or premier team fees.  In addition, individual squads may have additional costs such as competition fees, competition wear, gym rental fees etc.  Coaches will have this information available to you at our Meet the Coach Event March 22nd.  Any questions please email

What age/grade should my child be in to join CYC?

Squads are formed by grade level and not age for our recreational squads.  In rare instances, a cheerleader may cheer in a different division to keep siblings together (please email for approval in these circumstances).  Premier teams will be formed based on a combination of skill level and age, and are not grade specific.

Is there a maximum amount of cheerleaders on a CYC squad?

For recreational teams there is a maximum of 30 cheerleaders per grade level team. Spots are secured through registration only.  Once a squad maximum is reached, a cheerleader may sign up for a waitlist to see if a spot will open up.

What is the difference between a recreational team and premier cheer squad at CYC?

Recreational squad teams will accept any grade level appropriate cheerleader (up until the team maximum is reached).  Recreational teams will cheer for Colerain Youth Football teams during their football season, and typically participate in 1-3 recreational competitions (at coach discretion).  Invitation to a premier team requires a tryout, and focuses on premier competitions (Premier will not do sideline cheerleading).  Due to practices and time commitment, a cheerleader cannot be on both a recreational and premier team.  Both premier and recreational cheer squads will participate in community events such as Homecoming Parades.  More information will be available at the Meet the Coach Event March 22nd.

What is the 2025 Season Timeline?

Registration will open mid March for all squads.  Uniform fittings and Premier Team clinic/tryouts will be April-May.  For most recreational teams, practices will start in June to July with football games beginning in August.  For recreational teams the season will typically run through the end of October/early November depending on competitions.  The season will officially end in 2026 with the end of season banquet.  Premier teams will have information about the 2025 season available at the Meet the Coach Event.

What is the time commitment for a recreational cheer squad?

Practices for recreational teams are typically twice a week.  The expectation for cheerleaders is that they attend practices unless they are an excused absence.  If a cheerleader has multiple unexcused absences, coaches reserve the right to bench cheerleaders from halftime routines/games. 

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