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Cape Elizabeth Little League FAQ

Published by Gregory Maher
Feb 17, 2021
Cape Elizabeth Little League FAQs

  • What is CELL’s refund policy?
    • Answer:  CELL’s refund policy has always been to refund registration fees at any point the registrant asks prior to the season commencing. Once the season starts CELL handles requests on a case by case basis. We understand that this year is different, and should a family decide once the season begins we will make as reasonable an effort to offer a refund as possible, finances permitting.
  • Does CELL offer financial aid to offset registration fees?
    • Answer:  Yes. Our goal is to have every kid who wants to play to be able to play. Reach out to Austin Barrett or Greg Maher (gregoryamaher@gmail.com).
  • Does my son/daughter need their own bat/helmet/catchers gear/glove?
    • Answer:  Each kid should have their own glove. Kids are not required to have their own bats, but if you’re going to purchase a bat please make sure it meets the Little League guidelines: https://www.littleleague.org/playing-rules/bat-rules/. Stores like Dick’s (a CELL supporter) will also be able to provide assistance. Each team will have team bats available. CELL has enough catching equipment that each team in the kid-pitch divisions will have at minimum 2 complete sets. CELL has extra batting helmets available should players not have their own; there is no requirement that a player have their own batting helmet.
  • How will assessments be handled for the AAA/Minors and Majors baseball/softball divisions?
    • Answer:  Yes - baseball assessments will be held on March 2 and softball assessments will be held on February 24.  
  • When is Opening Day, and what will happen on that day?
    • Answer: Currently Opening Day is set for Saturday, April 27.
  • When will team start outdoor practices?  
    • Answer: Field use is dictated by weather conditions as determined by the town. 
  • Will there be team or individual photos?
    • Answer:  Yes - there will be team and individual photos taken during the season and coordinated with each team coach.  
  • My son wants to play softball/my daughter wants to play baseball...can they?
    • Answer:  Yes! CELL is gender-neutral in its programs, we welcome all kids to play the sport they wish to play.
  • How can I be involved in CELL if I can’t commit to coaching?
    • Answer:  How about becoming an umpire? We can provide one on one training, all equipment, all games are between Cape teams, and it’s a rewarding way to be involved in the community. Or, talk to your coach about pitching in for field prep/maintenance. Reach out to Austin Barrett (Baseball) or Greg Maher (Softball; gregoryamaher@gmail.com).
  • I want to promote my business or advertise at one or more of the CELL fields. Who can I contact?
    • Answer:  We welcome folks who want to hang banners from the outfield fences. Please contact Ryan Jackson