Crazy Rock Basketball - multipe programs
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multipe programs

Sport multipe programs
Program Details
Program start date: -
Program end date: -
Male, Female
Eligibility criteria
Registration Details
Registration status
Registration start date: -
Registration end date: -
Payment Details
Program fee payment type
Multiple installments
Total amount
Installment 1: 12.00
Installment 2: 13.00
Installment 3: 14.00
Installment 4: 15.00
Installment 5: 15.00
Installment 6: 15.00
Installment 7: 16.00
Due date: Sep 12, 2024
Due date: Sep 13, 2024
Due date: Sep 14, 2024
Due date: Sep 15, 2024
Due date: Sep 16, 2024
Due date: Sep 17, 2024
Due date: Sep 18, 2024
Late fee
Payment mode
Both online and offline payments are accepted
Additional convenience fee applied
Player & Parent Rules, Regulations, and Code of Conduct Agreement
 With the privilege of participating, come certain obligations and responsibilities. Each player must meet the behavioral standards outlined in this code of conduct maintaining the integrity of this program, which is based on teamwork, discipline, respect, commitment, and good sportsmanship. Participation in the Program is a privilege, not a right, and may be revoked by a Board Member when a player and/or parent/guardian violate these rules.
Please read with parent/guardian:
 As a player, I will:
·         Respect my teammates, coaches, staff members, game officials, and opponents; shake hands before and after all contests.
·         Help clear equipment, water bottles, and any other trash and/or personal belongings off the field/sidelines after every event.
·         Follow team rules established by the coach and the Jaguars Youth Football Club
·         Be responsible for bringing my assigned equipment and making sure I take the equipment home after EVERY game and practice.
·         Accept responsibility for and agree to maintain and return all equipment issued to me from the Jaguars Youth Football Club in the condition it was given, except for normal wear and tear
·         Make sure that I am staying out of trouble and passing my classes if I am in trouble at school, I will be in trouble at practice. If I do not pass my class, I will not be able to play games.
As a parent registering your child for participation in the Jaguars Youth Program, we ask that you review the following Code of Ethics and help us enforce this sportsmanship policy with fans and spectators at games. We need to all remember THESE ARE KIDS; THIS IS YOUTH FOOTBALL & CHEER, THE COACHES AND STAFF ARE VOLUNTEERS, THE REFEREE ARE HUMAN, AND THIS IS NOT THE NFL!
 Please read and initial:
·         I will not interfere with the coaches and staff during practice and/or games as I understand this could result in being dismissed from games and/or practices.
·         I will provide support for coaches, staff, and officials working with my child to provide a positive and enjoyable experience for every game, practice, and club activities.
·         I will support a drug, tobacco, and alcohol-free environment for my child and agree to assist by refraining from their use at all Jaguars Club activities.
·         I will demand that my child treat other players, coaches, staff, fans, and officials with respect.
·         I will notify the coaches and/or team mom in advance (at least 24 hours unless an emergency) if my athlete is unable to attend practice and/or game.
·         I will have my athlete at practice/games on time and ensure they are fully dressed for practices and games as well as be on time to pick them up.
·         I will understand that my player’s playing time during games will be based on dedication, ability, and performance.
·         I will participate in fundraisers as I understand the money raised benefits my athlete(s) and the organization. I understand that by not participating in said fundraiser(s), I may incur an opt-out fee per athlete which must be paid for my athlete(s) to continue to participate in events/games for the season.
·         I will participate in the snack rotation as I understand that my athlete(s) receives snacks after every game which is the parent’s responsibility to take turns supplying to the team mom.
·         I will pay my athlete(s) registration fee on time and in full. I understand that failure to pay on time and/or in full will result in my athlete(s) being removed from the Jaguar organization and no refunds of the paid amount will be provided. I also understand that my athlete(s) will not be able to participate with the Jaguar organization in the future until any unpaid balance is paid in full (this includes any opt-out fees that may have been assessed).
·         I will ensure that my child adheres to their signed Player’s Rules, Regulations, and Code of Conduct Agreement.
·         I, along with my child accept responsibility for and agree to maintain and return all equipment issued to us from the Jaguars Youth Football Club in the condition it was given, except normal wear and tear. I understand that any equipment not returned must be paid for in full ($350).
 I/We agree that if I/we fail to abide by this code of conduct agreement I/ my child, and my guest will be subject to the following action(s) as deemed necessary by the Jaguars Youth Football Club:
 1. Verbal warning by an official, coach, league official, an official Board Officer of Jaguars Organization.
2. Parent and/child and/or guest game suspension.
3. Parent/child and/or guest season suspension (full or part) as determined by the Jaguars Youth Football & Cheer Executive Board.
 I have read and understand the rules and regulations for being a part of The Mo City Jaguars Family

All registration options are closed