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Player Registration - 2024 Season 2

Sport Player Registration - 2024 Season 2
If your team captain has nominated your team for THIS season and you are a listed team member, then use this registration along with your team name to register for this season. If your team is not nominated for this season or you are not a listed team member, your registration may be declined. You will need a current VQ membership to complete your registration https://www.vq.org.au/membership/
All registration options are closed
Program Details
Program start date: Jul 03, 2024
Program end date: Nov 29, 2024
Male, Female
Membership type
Membership applies to
Membership valid until
Jun 30, 2024
Eligibility criteria
Registration Details
Registration status
Registration start date: Jul 03, 2024
Registration end date: Sep 13, 2024
Payment Details
Program fee payment type
One time payment
Total amount
Late fee
$ 0.00
Due date
Jul 25, 2024
Payment mode
Both online and offline payments are accepted
Available Discounts
GVA Coaches
$ 60.00
Program fee - All installments & admin/reg fee
Fee waived for coaches
Apply this code on the review & confirm page.
SOE Players
$ 60.00
Program fee - All installments & admin/reg fee
$60 discount for approved SOE players
Apply this code on the review & confirm page.
Under 19
$ 15.00
Program fee - All installments & admin/reg fee
$15 discount for players under 19 years of age
Apply this code on the review & confirm page.
$ 30.00
Program fee - All installments & admin/reg fee
Reduction of full fee due to upgrade from training member to playing member
Apply this code on the review & confirm page.
Upgrade U/19
$ 15.00
Program fee - All installments & admin/reg fee
Reduction of full fee due to upgrade from training member to playing member
Apply this code on the review & confirm page.
New Competition Rules
Updated Competition Rules for GVA's social league.
Discount codes
As part of player registration, you will need to pay the Gladstone Volleyball membership fees. These are: Adult membership $60 Under 19 $45 (at checkout, use discount code - U/19) SOE (at checkout, use discount code - SHARKS) If you have any questions please contact us at Regos@gladstonevolleyball.com.au
I understand discount codes are available and that some may be applicable to me
Membership Rules
Waiver Summary Text: Waiver Summary Text: Membership and Competitions MEMBERSHIP RULES. Membership Registration Periods – are a maximum of 1 season (aligning semester). All memberships are consistent with the membership period of Volleyball Queensland from 1 April - 31 March. You must be 18 years of age or older to register an electronic membership with Gladstone Volleyball Association. If you are a Junior member, a parent or guardian must complete the registration. Any U/19 member must be 18 years or younger (under 19) as at the end of the year their application is made. If a mistake has been made with this registration process, please contact GVA Committee immediately. Membership to Gladstone Volleyball Association will only be valid pending finalisation of Volleyball Queensland membership. All members of GVA must be current VQ members - membership of GVA will be terminated once you are no longer a financial VQ member. All members must follow all GVA and VQ by-laws and policies. A copy of GVA by-laws and policies can be obtained from the GVA committee. All financial GVA members are able to attend training sessions for FREE on Tuesday nights. Representation at Tournaments will be decided by the coaches of the respective teams (Junior, Women's, Men's) and is only available to Thunder squad members. If you wish to upgrade from social club member to Gladstone Thunder squad member, a player must pay the difference in fee when joining the squad. Note as per VQ membership, photos may be taken of players for promotional reasons for the club. The current GVA membership fees are listed below. Please note that the fees below are re-invested into the running of your club. Competition Fees are also payable on a seasonal basis. The cost per season is: $60 for a senior GVA social club member or $30 for training only. $45 for an U/19 GVA social club member or $15 for training only.

All registration options are closed