Welcome to a new year and as we start our resolutions, our primary one is to find the best way to support our youth and community in their recreational activities!! We love our youth and are excited for new changes to provide better programs for the younger population, and new exciting programs for our not so younger population!
Beginning January 13th, our team sports will be facilitated by the new Soda Springs Youth Sports Foundation. The foundation is dedicated to providing opportunities for all of our youth that desire to learn and grow in sports, as well as pursue competitive opportunities. We are excited for this partnership and the ability to collaborate together to give the community what they have wanted for years, more of a voice in the structure of team sports. Our youth basketball will be facilitated by the SSYSF this season, and we look forward to the kickoff for our K-4th grade developmental program on January 21st.
We will continue navigate this partnership with each season, and as any new adventure will have speed bumps along the way. We ask for patience and understanding as we are working to build a program that will develop our youth for long term success. We will be adjusting sport seasons and the SSYSF will be taking feedback to help make the best experience for every young athlete possible. The city recreation department will be hosting camps/clinics in the summer for team sport skills, with a great lineup of amazing professional clinicians excited to come share their talents with our community. Registration will continue through the city for team sport activities. The city will provide uniforms, facilities, and equipment as needed like we have in years past. Questions about scheduling/coaching/and events for team sports will be directed to the SSYSF beginning January 13th.
Please make sure to watch for upcoming announcements on our website, social media, and local paper for more information!
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