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Published by League Admin
Oct 25, 2018

Parent suggestions for the

upcoming Little League season:


We agree to honor and support our athletes in a positive and healthy process that includes the following:

Parents are asked to give positive and consistent encouragement and support to their children regardless of the degree of success, level of skill or time in the contest.

Parents need to stress the importance of respect for coaches, teammates, opponents and umpires and also emphasize the importance of contributing to the team and its success.

Parents need to attend team meetings at the start of each sports season to learn about the expectations for participation in Middletown Little League. Volunteers are needed at every game.

Parents must serve as role models, see the "bigger picture", and support all teams and athletes. Derogatory comments directed to any coach, player or umpire will not be tolerated and may result in ejection from the field.

Parents ensure a balance in student-athletes' lives, with academics placed first and foremost.

Parents need to leave coaching to the coaches and should not criticize them, their strategies or team performance. Parents should avoid putting pressure on their children regarding playing time and performance.

Parents should not criticize any umpire at any time. The umpires, some of whom are volunteers, do the best job they can and do not play favorites in any way.

Parents should understand that fundamentals of the game are always being taught, regardless of playing level. This may result in play stoppage in order to clarify a rule or to teach the player what he or she should have done.

Smoking is not permitted at any Middletown Little League facility. Consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited. Foul language will not be tolerated and will result in ejection from the field.

Parents should always remember that the managers, coaches, board members, concession stand personell, scorekeepers, and field personal are all VOLUNTEERS that care deeply for all children taking part in Middletown Little League. They are all here to ensure that the children are learning a team sport, improving skill sets, and most importantly, to HAVE FUN!


Little League Parent Orientation Program

 The Little League Parent Orientation Program was created in 2001 to better educate Little League parents regarding the purpose of the Little League program.

We know that the vast majority of parents at Little League events conduct themselves properly, said Stephen D. Keener, president and chief executive officer of Little League Baseball and Softball. "Thankfully, there are only a few who do not understand that the enjoyment of children is the goal of Little League. The Little League Parent Orientation Program gives our local league volunteers advice on the best way to handle those situations when a parents behavior gets out of hand.

The Parent Orientation Program is available online as a resource for any visitor to the National Little League web site. To view the presentation, click on the headline or link above.

The presentation includes the Youth Sports Parent Code of Conduct, the Little League Pledge and the Little League Parent/Volunteer Pledge, and many other features.