Team Elwood Pinto Girls 1 Announcements
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Elwood Pinto Girls 1

Game today
Seneca coach is going to let me know how the fields look. They are getting rain as well. I'll update you as soon as I hear from her. We might be playing a little bit later than 10:30 AM
Updated on
Jun 9 2018

Reschedule availability for tomorrow?
trying to find out if people are available for tomorrow for a a makeup at 5:30. Text or call Amy at ?+1 (618) 203-7889?
Updated on
May 30 2018

Game tonight
As of right now our game is on. As soon as I hear different from the coach I will let you guys know.
Updated on
May 9 2018

Game tonight
As of right now we are playing but the storms might roll in about the time we are supposed to start. I'll keep you all posted as I hear from the other coach.
Updated on
May 2 2018

Practice 4/3
I'm keeping an eye on the weather, but it looks like we might get rained out. I'll contact you no later than 3:30 pm with an update on practice. Thanks!
Updated on
Apr 3 2018

Just wanted to let everyone know the uniform tops this year are mostly red with a little black and white in them. Any questions please feel free to ask. Thanks!
Updated on
Feb 26 2018