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Track and Field Announcements

Published by BronsonDiaz
May 11, 2018
  • Eagles Track and Field off to a GREAT start!!! Well, we are 4 weeks in to the competition season.  This marks the halfway point for the Junior Varsity athletes and the 1/3 point of the season for our athletes who (will hopefully) get the opportunity to compete in the State Championships.  We've had schedule changes, cancellations, wind, rain, sunshine, and everything in between. So basically a normal Kansas spring.  And we can't forget that we've had some awesome performances on the track and in the field!!!To check out results from our first four meets you can click on the "Schedules/Results" tab at the top of the page (I will post results here throughout the season) or get to the same page by clicking ... 

  • Unable to make it to the Parent Meeting? No Problem; Here's all the info!! If you are/were unable to make it to the parent meeting we have prepared a video to try and fill you in with all things Olathe North Track and Field.  Please take 15 minutes to watch the video.  Also attached is our handbook which hopefully goes over everything you need but in more detail.  The video and the handbook were prepared to outline goals, expectations, and policies for the Olathe North Track and Field Program.  It is NOT intended to eliminate communication in any way.  We definitely encourage you to email or come and talk to us if you have questions or concerns. Together we can make your student-athletes experience a great one. ~LeviPlease take a look ...