Alabama Freedom - Track & Field Team - 23783
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Team Alabama Freedom

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Alabama Freedom


I regret to inform you that the 2023 TFL season has been canceled. As a staff, we have not been able to generate the needed revenue. We appreciate those of you who have offered suggestions even including reduction in compensation. We are simply not in a position to provide the product that you and the sport deserves. 

We will continue to work to make the TFL a reality but will only approach you again when we have all the necessary money in hand and can can produce bank statements to that effect. 

We wish you all the best in your upcoming competitions. 

Upcoming meets
There are no meets to display.
Upcoming meets
There are no meets to display.
Latest Announcements
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Latest Announcements
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Recent Meet Result
meet   Texas Fire (24358)
Wed, Aug 04 2021 10:00 AM   Albuquerque Convention Center
Recent Meet Result
meet   Texas Fire (24358)
Wed, Aug 04 2021 10:00 AM   Albuquerque Convention Center
Upcoming Practice
There are no practice sessions to display.
Upcoming Practice
There are no practice sessions to display.
Team Staff
Michelle Conner
Team Staff

Matt Rowe
Team Manager

Team Staff
Michelle Conner
Team Staff

Matt Rowe
Team Manager

# Tournament Bracket Name Position Points Earned
No records available