FB INT - Cornwall Maple Leafs - Baseball Team - 68586
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Team FB INT - Cornwall Maple Leafs

FB INT - Cornwall Maple Leafs
Upcoming games
  • Game
    FB INT - Fall Stars
      Tue, Sep 17 2024   05:00 PM   Diamond 5
  • Game
    FB INT - Fall Stars
      Thu, Sep 19 2024   05:00 PM   Diamond 5
  • Game
    FB INT - The Turkey's
      Tue, Sep 24 2024   05:00 PM   Diamond 5
Upcoming games
  • Game
    FB INT - Fall Stars
      Tue, Sep 17 2024   05:00 PM   Diamond 5
  • Game
    FB INT - Fall Stars
      Thu, Sep 19 2024   05:00 PM   Diamond 5
  • Game
    FB INT - The Turkey's
      Tue, Sep 24 2024   05:00 PM   Diamond 5
Team Staff
Team Staff
  • Team Record
  • Team Position
# Tournament Bracket Name Position Points Earned
No records available
Overall Team Record: - -
# Tournament Date and Time Score Win/Loss/Tie
1 Intermediate Fall Season 2024 Sep 12, 2024
05:00 PM to 07:00 PM
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