1/5/2023 - Great Success with the Winter High School Diving Camp!
Published by Coach Luke Richmond
Jul 06, 2024
Thanks to everyone who came out and participated in the 4-session Winter High School Diving Camp! A lot of fun, learning, and growth with high school divers from around the state!
Norco's High School Winter Diving Camp was a two-day event consisting of two daily sessions that have been specially designed for high school divers. The purpose of the camp was to complement the divers' high school training by providing additional instruction on the fundamental mechanical, physical, and mental aspects of diving. The camp helped the divers better understand the movement patterns of the sport of diving and improve their overall performance to help them reach their goals. We had a great time and were so happy to have everyone there!

Norco's High School Winter Diving Camp was a two-day event consisting of two daily sessions that have been specially designed for high school divers. The purpose of the camp was to complement the divers' high school training by providing additional instruction on the fundamental mechanical, physical, and mental aspects of diving. The camp helped the divers better understand the movement patterns of the sport of diving and improve their overall performance to help them reach their goals. We had a great time and were so happy to have everyone there!