Beginning of Year Information - 60531
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Team Boys 12U Silver Beginning of Year Information

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Boys 12U Silver
Beginning of Year Information

LACROSSE CHECKS DUE (Make Checks out to: PRYL)

  • $200 CHECK- POST DATE 6/1/23. Check will be returned once volunteer requirements are fulfilled/pinneys (boys), uniforms (girls) are returned
  • $25 CHECK for Concession food donations


  • Each family is expected to volunteer for 2 volunteer slots which could breakdown as follows:
    • 2 concession slots
    • 2 field duty slots
    • 1 concession and 1 field duty slot
  • All coaches (head & assistants), board members, team managers and sponsors are exempt from volunteer requirements.
  • If you are unable to fulfill these requirements, you can opt to pay $25 to a student aged 13 years or older. Please sign up using your name (in order to get credit) and communicate the student’s name to either the Team Manager (for Field Duty) or Angie Pickels (for Concessions).


  • Concession signups will be via Below is the sign-up link to send to your families.  Please send out ASAP so we can get the volunteer slots filled for these early games especially:

  PRYL Lacrosse 2023 — Signup Sheet |

  • All Concessions will be held at the “Ram Cage” located at the High School. The concessions building is located above the turf field across from Middle School and close to the baseball field.
  • There will be 4 concession times allotted per game- 3 people in concession stand, 1 person in bleachers selling drinks.
  • There will be NO Concessions at Pine Park at this time.
  • Concessions Contact- Angie Pickels- 412-327-5354


  • Field Duty signups will be communicated via your Team Manager. There are 3 options:
    • Grab table from storage and set up on side of field in middle.  Keep accurate score throughout the game.
    • Stopping and starting the timer each time with the referee blows his whistle unless it is a running clock game in which the referee and or coach instructs.  The clock keeper should discuss details with the referee prior to the game start on how many minutes in a quarter, 8,10 or 12 minutes and when the referee wants to be notified on time remaining, etc. Electronic game clock/horn will be used.  You will be shown prior to season start.  You will then be able to show your parent volunteers how to use them.
    • Tear down and put back table in storage if your team is the last game of the day. 
    • Boys 14U and 12U.  Penalty timer is to keep the time on the penalty box sidelines using a clock timer/stop watch and advise the player when he can return to the field.  The referee will determine the penalty time and type of penalty, personal or technical.  The player will stay in the penalty box on one knee facing the field ready for his release.  At 15 seconds remaining on the penalty, the timer will announce to the player to “be ready” and at 10 seconds count down out loud through 1 second and then announce “release” for the player to return to the field.  Timer will note the player number, penalty time and type of penalty on the penalty form placed on the game table to keep track. 
    • Table set up and game scorekeeper
    • Clock & Horn/Tear Down Table
    • Penalty tracker and setting up the extra (handful) of balls around the perimeter of field for game play.
  • Uniforms- If parents/players have issues concerning uniforms, have them contact our Uniforms Manager directly. Danielle Rainey – 330-720-1819.      
  • PRYL Team Photos will be taken by Photography 144.  Photos will taken on Monday, April 3 and Tuesday, April 4th.  Attached to this email is the order form for picture day.  Additional details and schedule will be forthcoming.