Soccer 3/4- Boys 1 - Soccer Team - 62644
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Team Soccer 3/4- Boys 1

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Soccer 3/4- Boys 1
Upcoming games
  • Game
    Demarest- Force
      Sun, Sep 29 2024   02:30 PM   Hogan's Field 1 Soccer
  • Game
    Old Tappan Lightning
      Sun, Oct 06 2024   01:00 PM   Hogan's Field 1 Soccer
  • Game
    Harrington Park 2
      Sun, Oct 20 2024   01:00 PM   Highland Field- Back Field
Upcoming games
  • Game
    Demarest- Force
      Sun, Sep 29 2024   02:30 PM   Hogan's Field 1 Soccer
  • Game
    Old Tappan Lightning
      Sun, Oct 06 2024   01:00 PM   Hogan's Field 1 Soccer
  • Game
    Harrington Park 2
      Sun, Oct 20 2024   01:00 PM   Highland Field- Back Field
Latest Announcements
  • Welcome to Fall Soccer 2024!
Latest Announcements
  • Welcome to Fall Soccer 2024!
Recent Game Result
game   Demarest- Force
Sun, Sep 29 2024 02:30 PM   Hogan's Field 1 Soccer
Recent Game Result
game   Demarest- Force
Sun, Sep 29 2024 02:30 PM   Hogan's Field 1 Soccer
Upcoming Practice
  •  Practice
      Tue, Oct 01 2024   05:00 PM   Hogan's Field 1 Soccer
  •  Practice
      Fri, Oct 04 2024   06:00 PM   Veteran's Field- Soccer
  •  Practice
      Tue, Oct 08 2024   05:00 PM   Hogan's Field 1 Soccer
Upcoming Practice
  •  Practice
      Tue, Oct 01 2024   05:00 PM   Hogan's Field 1 Soccer
  •  Practice
      Fri, Oct 04 2024   06:00 PM   Veteran's Field- Soccer
  •  Practice
      Tue, Oct 08 2024   05:00 PM   Hogan's Field 1 Soccer
Team Staff
Steve Poletto
Assistant Coach

Jay Oh
Assistant Coach

Nicholas Piersons
Head Coach

Andrew Durfee
Assistant Coach

Team Staff
Steve Poletto
Assistant Coach

Jay Oh
Assistant Coach

Nicholas Piersons
Head Coach

Andrew Durfee
Assistant Coach

# Tournament Bracket Name Position Points Earned
No records available