GLASA - 2024-25 Sled Hockey
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Sport 2024-25 Sled Hockey
Program Details
Program start date: Oct 27, 2024
Program end date: Mar 30, 2025
Male, Female
Eligibility criteria
Registration Details
Registration status
Registration start date: -
Registration end date: -
Registrants will be assigned to the team
2024-25 Power Soccer
Note: Only when paid online during the registration.

Sled hockey follows most of the typical ice hockey rules with the exception of some of the equipment. Players sit in specially designed sleds that sit on top of two hockey skate blades. There are two sticks for each player instead of one and the sticks have metal pics on the butt end for players to propel themselves. GLASA provides all hockey gear (pads, jersey, socks, gloves, helmet, guards) and equipment (sled and sticks) needed to play. Assistants are available to support athletes who may not be able to self-propel on the ice.

Youth, Teen & Adult (Ages 7+)
Wheelchair & Ambulatory

Practices are on Sunday evenings in Lake Bluff, IL. The team travels to 3-4 tournaments in the Midwest each year.

All registration options are closed