GLASA - 2024-25 Power Soccer
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Sport 2024-25 Power Soccer
Program Details
Program start date: Oct 23, 2024
Program end date: Jun 25, 2025
Male, Female
Eligible only if born on or after: -
Eligible only if born on or before: Jan 01, 2011
Must register to a membership program:
Eligibility text
You must have an active GLASA membership to be eligible for this program.
Registration Details
Registration status
Registration start date: -
Registration end date: -
Registrants will be assigned to the team
2024-25 Power Soccer
Note: Only when paid online during the registration.

Power soccer is an adaptive sport specifically designed for individuals that use power wheelchairs on a daily basis. Power soccer showcases the speed, skill and intensity of traditional soccer.

The sport is played indoors on a gym floor and power wheelchairs are equipped with guards to advance the ball down the court.

Practices are on Wednesday evenings in Glenview. The team participates in 3-4 tournaments in the Midwest region each year.

All registration options are closed