Track & Field Athlete Profile -

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Dominant Hand/Foot: Right
Sport Secondary Position: Road Running
Other Sports Played: Trail Running
Favourite Player: Me
Favourite : Me
High school: n/a
    Body Stats
Height: 5 Foot 6 Inches (as of Nov 29 2021)
Weight: 118 Pounds (as of Nov 29 2021)
    Athletic Stats

800m- 2:07, 1500m- 4:17, Mile- 4:38,
3000m- 9:06, 3000m SC- 9:41, 5000m- 16:08,
6000m (XC)- 20:42, 8000m- 26:47

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     Athletic Achievements

5 time NCAA All American
1st place Penn Relay 3k Steeplechase
7th place USATF Champs 3k Steeplechase
1st place Penn Relay 3k Steeplechase
1st place Melrose Games Distance Medley Relay
7th place 3k at USATF Championships
USA Olympic Team Trials 3k Steeplechase (2016)
2nd place Pearl Street Mile- USATF CO 1 Mile Champs
USA Olympic Team Trials Track and Field (2021)
1st place Pearl Street Mile- USATF CO 1 Mile Champs


After becoming a 5 time All-American in the 800m, but never achieving a NCAA National title, Carmen was motivated to continue running after college. She began flirting with distance events and found her niche in the 3k steeplechase which tested her endurance, speed, and athletic abilities. Carmen competed in both the 2016 USA Olympic Team Trials and the 2020 USA Olympic Team Trials. She currently lives and trains in Denver, Colorado and is looking to PR in every event from the 800m to the 10,000m on the track in 2022.


When Carmen isn’t running, she works full-time in Special Education and coaches Track and Field at a local high school in the Denver metro area. Carmen co-founded the Denver Twilight Series which is dedicated toward hosting quality, high-level, community track and field meets for all ages and abilities. 

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    Contact Info
Mailing Address:
4625 E. Louisiana Ave.
Denver Colorado 80246
United States
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Profile created on Oct 06 2021
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