Track & Field Athlete Profile -

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Dominant Hand/Foot: RIght
High school: Graduated from Westminster College
    Body Stats
Height: 5 Foot 7 Inches (as of Oct 12 2021)
Weight: 135 Pounds (as of Oct 12 2021)
    Athletic Stats

  • 4.42m (14ft 6 in) outdoor 2021
  • 4.37 (14 ft 4 in) indoor 2020
  • 8X All American in NCAA Division III Track and Field National Championships
  • NCAA DIII 2017 National Champion and meet record holder
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     Athletic Achievements
  • American Track League meet first and second place finisher outdoor 2021
  • Competitor in USATF National Championships 2018 both Indoor and Outdoor
  • Eight-Time All-American in NCAA Division III Track and Field National Championships
  • NCAA DIII 2017 Outdoor National Champion and meet record holder
  • Awarded Westminster 's Exceptional Sports Performance of the Year twice
  • Named Women's Field Athlete of the Year for the Mideast Region Indoor 2014
  • Named President's Athletic Conference Women's Field Athlete of the Week
  • 2012 PA State Champion
I train six days a week for pole vault from about three to five hours per day, with one day of the week being a recovery/rehab day. I have pole vaulted for twelve years total. I am committed and dedicated to becoming the best athlete I can possibly be.

I am an elite pole vaulter training in pursuit of the 2024 Olympics. I am originally from Waynesburg, PA. I attended Westminster College in Pennsylvania, where Bradi Rhoades was my coach. There, I won the National Championship and attained the meet record after overcoming an injury that was said to be "career ending" by doctors. In college, my major was early childhood and special education. In 2017, I moved to Knoxville, Tennessee to train professionally with Olympic gold medalist, Tim Mack. My training continues in Knoxville currently, now coached by world-class pole vaulter, Mark Hollis. I train full-time with Mark's elite group of vaulters, called Full Vertical Elite. Another US elite pole vaulter, Jeff Coover coaches me in my sprinting/lifting training. My personal best is 4.42m (14 ft 6 in) as of the 2021 outdoor season. To fund my aspirations in pole vault, I am a substitute teacher and teach English online to students in China. I also am a one-on-one tutor/cognitive brain trainer and am currently working on my master's in school counseling.

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Mailing Address:
1607 Coker Ave
Knoxville Tennessee 37917
United States
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Profile created on Aug 19 2021
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