Track & Field Athlete Profile -

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Dominant Hand/Foot: Right
Sport Secondary Position: Discus/Shotput
Other Sports Played: Football
Favourite Player: Rex Parker
High school: Classical High School
    Body Stats
Height: 6 Foot 3 Inches (as of Nov 19 2021)
Weight: 255 Pounds (as of Nov 19 2021)
    Athletic Stats

Hammer Throw:
  1. 57.78m
  2. 57.44m
  3. 57.43m
  4. 57.21m
  5. 56.84m
Weight Throw:
  1. 20.34m
  2. 20.17m
  3. 20.02m
  4. 19.68m
  5. 19.58m
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     Athletic Achievements
Indiana University Track & Field:
4th Longest Weight Throw (20.34m)

Rext Level 100 Burpee Challenge:
8 Minutes 7 Seconds
What uniquely identifies Chinedu Onye within the world of track & field is his ability to be a fan of the sport, and still compete. 
As he makes his return to the circle, he looks forward to encouraging and topping the best marks the field has yet to see.
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Profile created on Nov 18 2021
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