STOYAC Football & Cheerleading - Cheerleading Information
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Cheerleading Information

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Montgomery County, TN
Cheerleading FAQ


Q: How long is the season?
A: Typically season begins in mid-August and goes to the end of October, but it can go into November for competitive squads.

What does the practice schedule look like?
A: Depending on age/team practices can be anywhere from one-three days a week

Q: How long is practice?
A: Again, depending on age/team, practice can be anywhere from 1 hour to 2.5 hours

Q: Where is practice held?
A: During the summer, practice is held outdoors at the Hansen School Field. Once school starts, we move indoors. Location TBD.

Q: Do we cheer at football games?
A: Yes, we cheer at football games. We usually have eight a season. Some are home, and others are away. Home games are on Sundays. Away games can be Saturday or Sunday.

Q: Are there any cheer competitions?
A: Yes. Depending on the age, we can go to anywhere from 1-3 cheer competitions.

Q: Are there any additional fees?
A: Yes, every cheerleader will need a cheer package (shoes, tank top, shorts, bag). Depending on the team, there will also be a mandatory cheer camp fee for choreography. Both of these fees are TBD.

Q: When does my child get a uniform?
A: Your child will be fitted for her uniform at paperwork night, which usually takes place in July. Check our Facebook page for updates.

Q: What is paperwork night?
A: Paperwork night is when we gather all required league documentation that your child needs to cheer (birth certificate, report card, physical dated in 2023).

Q: Do you need any coaches and/or volunteers?
A: YES! We can always use help as this is a volunteer youth program.

 If interested in helping in any way, please reach out to Cheer Coordinator Katie Benoit at

We are SO excited to offer our first NCA Cheer Camp with our fellow E-Mass teams in June!
If your Stoughton Fall 2023 athlete is interested in this 2-Day Camp experience please REGISTER here (select Stoughton):
Email: with any questions!