New Web Host
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New Web Host

Dec 06, 2023
NKCA Members,
Over the last 10 years, the league's website, registrations, etc. have been managed through the League Athletics platform as our web host.  League Athletics has made the decision to no longer operate this platform.  Forcing the league to seek out another company to host our website.
As a result, the league spent the better part of 2023 researching a new web host that would allow us to improve member functionality and communication, be more user friendly, and use a mobile friendly app.  
SportsPlus will now be our leagues web host.  We look forward to the many different options they currently offer and will develop as technology allows.  One of the bigger things we have looked forward to is that members will now have the option to download the mobile app.  This will be significant in communicating with team members / coaches through the chat option and through their notification system.  Those that use the app will also be able to have game / practice information at their finger tips.  To download the app for either Apple or Android, click on the respective link(s) below…
We have done everything we can to make the front end of the new website look and feel similar to League Athletics with key improvements.  With that being said, there will likely be a few learning opportunities as we navigate and learn new ways to operate within SportsPlus.
When the new site goes live over the next week or two, you will find our website domain will remain the same,
As always, please let me know if you have any questions.  I am happy to help.
We hope you enjoy the off-season and look forward to a great year in 2024 as your athletes “Rise to Greatness”
Thank you,
Michael Cantwell, Director
NKCA Baseball League