Snohomish County Adult Soccer Association - Organization Show Page
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Sun, Jul 18 2021 06:30 PM @ Kasch 3

Coed Over 30 2021 Summer
Match Recap
Terrible referee, and bad sportsmanship from a few of their male players who were yelling in the ears of my players when shooting the ball, and also in my keeper's ear when saving the ball. Corner kick was kicked in when we were still subbing and no whistle was blown for the kick to occur, so they scored, and ref did nothing, as well as one offsides goal, and one goal where their player slide tackled into our keeper and the ref let that goal stand. Will be submitting a ref evaluation, but VERY disappointing game for us.
Rogue Squadron
Away Team
Never Offside
Home Team
Never Offside
Home Team
Rogue Squadron
Away Team