Flag Football League
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Flag Football League

Published by Dusty Jones
Oct 14, 2021
We are excited to announce that we are going into our 6th season of flag football league run by the City of Lebanon. We are partners with the NFL Flag football and the USA football organization. The youth program provides a structured organized non-contact league that focuses on the basic fundamentals of football. Some of the many aspects instilled by our coaches, parents, and administration are teaching the importance of sportsmanship, discipline and life skills both on and off the field. The youth program provides young players a fun and exciting opportunity to engage in non-contact continuous action while learning the lessons of teamwork.

The basics are 7-10 players on a team playing 5 on 5 or 6 on 6. The game will consist of running the ball or passing the ball while on offense and the defensive team trying to remove the flag of the offensive team. No contact is allowed and you do not wear pads or helmets. We will provide the flag, belt, and jersey for each child that will be all the equipment other than shorts, pants, and shoes that you will need. This is a co-ed league our ages will be 5 and 6-year-old division,7 and 8-year-old division, 9 and 10-year-old division and 11-year-olds through Eighth-grade year old division. You must be 5 on or before August 1st, 2021 and cannot be in high school on or before August 1st, 2021

You can sign-up online at lebanoncitysports.com or we will have a sign-up day on Saturday, August 14th from 9:00am-11: 00 am at the Harold Dean Greer Recreation Center located at 416 Baird Park Circle. You can also come by during the week and sign-up from 7:30-4:00 Monday thru Friday. For additional Information email dustyj@lebanontn.org