City of Lebanon, Tennessee Jr Pro Basketball
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City of Lebanon, Tennessee Jr Pro Basketball

Published by Dusty Jones
Feb 08, 2023
City of Lebanon Jr. Pro Basketball League is for boys and girls ages 6 through 8th grade. We have 5 divisions that we divide the kids into based on age. 6/7 year old division co-ed, 8 year co-ed league with 9 year old girls, 9/10 year old boys league, 11 year old boys through 8th grade and 11 year old girls through 8th grade. PRACTICE DAYS, TIMES and LOCATION ARE UP TO THE COACH! Most coaches practice once during the week and once on the weekend until games start then most just practice once a week. Games are generally played during the week and some Saturday's this will all depend on how many kids we have playing in the league.  PRACTICES WILL BEGIN IN NOVEMBER AND GAMES DURING DECEMBER THROUGH THE END OF FEBRUARY. SIGNUPS ARE GOING ON NOW THROUGH NOVEMBER 1ST ONLINE. If you don't want to sign up online you can come by our office and sign up at Harold Dean Greer Recreation Center 416 Baird Park Circle, M-F from 7:30-4:00 closed 11-12 for lunch. Note we are NO LONGER TAKING REQUESTS for teams/coaches/transportation  other than brother and sisters.  IF YOU ARE ON A MIDDLE SCHOOL BASKETBALL TEAM IN THE 7TH OR 8TH GRADE YOU ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR OUR LEAGUE.  After you register there will be NO REFUNDS!I For more information email Dusty Jones at