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Recreational Softball General Information

Published by Anthony Szeman
Aug 03, 2024

General Information

This page contains some general information regarding the gameplay in each of our three divisions.  For additional information, please contact the Softball Director, Anthony Szeman.

Branchburg Girls Softball – Fall 2024
(Kindergarten – 2nd Grade)


Minors Spring Softball

  • Age Groups *
    • Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd Grade Girls (as of 2024/2025 school year)

  • Schedule and Locations (Practices and Games)
    • Thursdays:
      • Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
      • Field: White Oak Park, Fields 3 or 4
    • Saturdays:
      • Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm
      • Field: White Oak Park, Fields 3 or 4. Games may also be played against surrounding towns

  • Team Size
    • Minimum 10 players per team
    • Maximum 15 players per team

  • Objectives / Overview of Rules
    • Registered players will receive a jersey only
    • Players will learn the fundamentals of softball in a fun environment
    • Multiple practices will be scheduled before opening game and in-season
    • Games will be played with a standard (soft) 11-inch circumference softball
    • Coaches will be on the field when their team is on defense to help guide the players
    • During the first six games:
      • Outs will not be recorded
      • Each player will get a turn at-bat each inning
      • Batters will have the option to either hit off a batting tee or a coach pitch
      • Score will not be kept
    • After the sixth game:
      • “Real Games” will begin to be played with outs and runs being recorded
      • Five-run limit each inning
      • Batters will only have the option to hit off of the coach pitch
      • All players will remain in batting order throughout the game
    • Players will be encouraged to continue gaining experience at many positions
    • No player will sit out more than two innings per game on defense
    • Games up to six innings long (depending on time/sunlight)

* PLEASE NOTE: Age groupings may change depending on registration numbers.

Branchburg Girls Softball – Fall 2024
(3rd Grade – 5th Grade)


Majors Spring Softball

  • Age Groups *
    • 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Girls (as of 2024/2025 school year)

  • Schedule and Locations (Practices and Games)
    • Tuesdays:
      • Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
      • Field: White Oak Park, Fields 1 or 2
    • Saturdays:
      • Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm (start times may also start at 4:00pm depending on field availability)
      • Field: White Oak Park (field number may vary).  Games may also be played against surrounding towns
  • Team Size
    • Minimum 10 players per team
    • Maximum 15 players per team

  • Objectives / Overview of Rules
    • Registered players will receive a jersey only
    • Continue learning the fundamentals of softball in a fun environment
    • Multiple practices will be scheduled before opening game and in-season
    • Games will be played with a standard (not soft) 11-inch circumference softball
    • Score will be kept
    • Five-run limit each inning
    • Catching position with full catcher’s gear
    • All games will have player pitching (with coach-pitch rule to limit walks)
    • Front edge of pitching rubber shall be 35 feet from back point of home plate
    • Wide strike zone will be used as players develop pitching skills
    • All players will remain in batting order throughout the game
    • Players will be encouraged to continue gaining experience at many positions
    • No player will sit out more than two innings per game on defense
    • No coaches on the field
    • No stealing
    • Games up to six innings long (depending on time/sunlight)

* PLEASE NOTE: Age groupings may change depending on registration numbers.

Branchburg Girls Softball – Fall 2024
(6th Grade – 8th Grade)

Seniors Spring Softball

  • Age Groups *
    • 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Girls (as of 2024/2025 school year)

  • Schedule and Locations (Practices and Games)
    • Mondays
      • Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
      • Field: White Oak Park (field number may vary). Games may also be played in Hillsborough or Flemington
    • Saturdays 
      • Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm (some game may start earlier due to field availability and opponent)
      • Field: White Oak Park (field number may vary).  Games may also be played against surrounding towns
  • Team Size
    • Minimum 10 players per team
    • Maximum 15 players per team

  • Objectives / Overview of Rules
    • Registered players will receive a jersey only
    • Continue learning the fundamentals of softball in a fun environment
    • Multiple practices will be scheduled before opening game and in-season
    • Games will be played with a standard (not soft) 12-inch circumference softball
    • Score will be kept
    • Five-run limit each inning
    • All games will have player pitching
    • Front edge of pitching rubber shall be 40 feet from back point of home plate
    • All players will remain in batting order throughout the game
    • All players will be encouraged to gain additional infield experience
    • No player will sit out more than two innings per game on defense
    • No coaches on the field
    • Stealing of third base only
    • Games up to six innings long (depending on time/sunlight)


* PLEASE NOTE: Age groupings may change depending on registration numbers.