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Player Performance Banner

Capture and analyze player
stats and help improve

Tryouts, Live Scoring, League, Tournament, Team, and Individual Stats.

Flexible, advanced, and inbuilt player performance for all organization players.

Athlete Management
Athlete performance management
Track individual stats
Track all team member stats
Track game skill metrics
Generate progress reports
Track fitness metrics
Track personal goals
Tryout management & Stats
Open registration and allow players to register
Set up player evaluation criteria
Enter player scores efficiently on the mobile app
Invite the selected players to the teams
Place accepted players on a team
Record the scores permanently for stats
Sports Tryouts Stats
Sports Live Scoring
Live Scoring & Stats
Allow the designated members to handle live scoring
Capture game and player scores efficiently on the mobile app
Broadcast scores automatically as mobile app notifications
Set up the score approval process
Record the approved scores as game stats
Charts and reports for league, tournament, team, and players

Start your 14-day free trial today.

You can cancel or upgrade at any time.

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