Additional Disclosures for Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) Compliance (Canada)
Additional scope of personal information
In accordance with PIPEDA, we broaden our definition of personal information to include any information about an individual, such as financial information, information about your appearance, your views and opinion (such as those expressed online or through a survey), opinions held about you by others, and any personal correspondences you may have with us. While this information may not directly identify you, be aware that it may be combined with other information to do so.
As PIPEDA refers to personal information using the term Personally Identifying Information (PII), any references to personal information and PII in this privacy policy, and in official communications from SportsPlus, are intended as equivalent to one another in every way, shape and form.
Valid Consent
Where you give us consent to collect and use your personal information for a specific purpose. You may withdraw your consent at any time using the facilities we provide; however this will not affect any use of your information that has already taken place. When you contact us, we assume your consent based on your positive action of contact, therefore you consent to your name and email address being used so we can respond to your enquiry. Under PIPEDA, consent is only valid if it is reasonable to expect that an individual to whom the organization's activities are directed would understand the nature, purpose, and consequences of the collection, use, or disclosure of the personal information to which they are consenting.
Where you agree to receive marketing communications from us, we will do so based solely on your indication of consent or until you instruct us not to, which you can do at any time.
While you may request that we delete your contact details at any time, we cannot recall any email we have already sent. If you have any further enquiries about how to withdraw your consent, please feel free to enquire using the details provided in the Contact Us section of this privacy policy.
International Transfers of Information
While SportsPlus endeavors to keep, store and handle customer data within locations in Canada, it may use agents or service providers located in the United States (U.S.), European Economic Area (EEA) or United Kingdom (UK) to collect, use, retain and process personal information as part of providing services to you. While we use all reasonable efforts to ensure that personal information receives the same level of security in any other jurisdiction as it would in Canada, please be aware that privacy protections under U.S. laws may not be the same adequacy.
Customer Data Rights
Although PIPEDA does not contain an extensive set of consumer rights, it does grant consumers the right to:
Access the personal information organizations hold about them;
Correct any inaccurate or outdated personal information the organization hold about them (or, if this is not possible, delete the inaccurate personal information)
Withdraw consent for any activities for which they have consented (e.g. direct marketing or cookies)
Right to Withdraw Consent
Where you give us consent to collect and use your personal information for a specific purpose. Subject to some restrictions, you can, at any time, refuse to consent, or continue to consent to the collection, use or disclosure of their personal information by notifying us using the email address below in the 'Contact Us' section. Withdrawal of consent may impact our ability to provide or continue to provide services.
Customers cannot refuse collection, use and disclosure of their personal information if such information is required to:
be collected, used or disclosed as required by any law;
fulfill the terms of any contractual agreement; and
be collected, used or disclosed as required by any regulators including self regulatory organizations
While you may request that we delete your contact details at any time, we cannot recall any email we have already sent. If you have any further enquiries about how to withdraw your consent, please feel free to enquire using the details provided in the Contact Us section of this privacy policy.
Right of Access under PIPEDA
PIPEDA gives you a general right to access the PII held by businesses subject to this law. Under PIPEDA, you need to make your access request in writing and pay a minimal fee of $30.00.
If any organizational fees seem unjust, you have the right to complain about this. We retain the right to decide how we disclose the copies of your PII to you. We will take all necessary measures to fulfill your request in 30 days from receipt, otherwise we must inform you of our inability to do so before the 30-day timeframe if:
meeting the time limit would unreasonably interfere with our business activities; or
the time required to undertake consultations necessary to respond to the request would make it impractical to meet the time limit.
We can also extend the time limit for the length of time required to convert the personal information into an alternative format. In these circumstances, we will advise you of the delay within the first 30 days and explain the reason for it.
Right of rectification under PIPEDA
You may request a correction to any factual errors or omissions within your PII. We would ask you to provide some evidence to back up your claim. Under PIPEDA, an organization must amend the information, as required, if you successfully demonstrate that it's incomplete or inaccurate.
You may contact us at any time, using the information provided in the Contact Us section of this privacy policy if you believe your PII on our systems is incorrect or incomplete.
If we cannot agree on changing the information, you have the right to have your concerns recorded with the Office of the Privacy Commission of Canada.
Compliance with PIPEDA's Ten Principles of Privacy
This privacy policy complies with the PIPEDA's requirements and ten principles of privacy, which are as follows:
1. Accountability. SportsPlus is responsible for the PII under its control and will designate one or more persons to ensure organizational accountability for compliance with the ten principles of privacy under PIPEDA, whose details are included below. All personnel are accountable for the protection of customers' personal information.
2. Identifying purposes. SportsPlus identifies the purposes for which personal information is collected at or before the time the information is collected.
3. Consent. Consent is required for SportsPlus' collection, use or disclosure of personal information, except where required or permitted by PIPEDA or other law. In addition, when customers access a product or service offered by us, consent is deemed to be granted. Express consent may be obtained verbally, in writing or through electronic means. Alternatively, consent may be implied through the actions of customers or continued use of a product or service following SportsPlus' notification of changes.
4. Limiting collection. Personal information collected will be limited to that which is necessary for the purposes identified by SportsPlus.
5. Limiting use, disclosure and retention. We will not use or disclose personal information for purposes other than those for which the information was collected, except with your consent or as required by law. We will retain personal information only for as long as is necessary to fulfill the purposes for collecting such information and compliance with any legal requirements.
6. Accuracy. Personal information will be maintained by SportsPlus in an accurate, complete and up-to-date format as is necessary for the purpose(s) for which the personal information was collected.
7. Safeguards. We will protect personal information with security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of such information.
8. Openness. We will make our policies and practices relating to the collection and management of personal information readily available upon request, including our brochures or other information that explain our policies, standards, or codes.
9. Customer access. We will inform customers of the existence, use and disclosure of their personal information and will provide access to their personal information, subject to any legal restrictions. We may require written requests for access to personal information and in most cases, will respond within 30 days of receipt of such requests. Customers may verify the accuracy and completeness of their personal information, and may request the personal information be corrected or updated, if appropriate.
10. Challenging compliance Customers are welcome to direct any questions or inquiries concerning our compliance with this privacy policy and PIPEDA requirements using the contact information provided in the Contact Us section of this privacy policy.
Cookie Compliance
Our email interactions with our customers are compliant with Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation. The Company does not send unsolicited email to persons with whom we have no relationship. We will not sell personal information, such as email addresses, to unrelated third-parties. On occasion, your personal information may be provided to our third-party partners to administer the products and services you request from us.
When you leave our website by linking to another website, you are subject to the privacy and security policies of the new website. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of all websites you visit, especially if you share any personal information with them.
Please refer to our Cookie Policy for more information.
Enquiries, Reports, and Escalation
To enquire about SportsPlus' privacy policy, or to report violations of user privacy, you may contact us using the details in the Contact us section of this privacy policy.
If we fail to resolve your concern to your satisfaction, you may also contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada:
30 Victoria Street
Gatineau, QC K1A 1H3
Toll Free: 1.800.282.1376