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Checklist to publish a top-notch website for your sports club
By  Nithin  -
December 26, 2023


  • Upload the organization logo.
  • Determine the design and layout of the website by choosing the right template.
  • Customize the visuals of your website, like font style.
  • Choose the best color combinations to make the website look more attractive.
  • Choose the right colors for the header menus and buttons
  • Set background image or background color


  • Showcase the picture gallery.
  • Display YouTube videos on the website.
  • Add quick links to external websites.
  • Add all required website pages with relevant content.
  • Add system-provided widgets to the web pages.
  • Create custom widgets and add them to the web pages.
  • Add and publish facilities with pictures and map.
  • Publish items and open the online store.

Header & Footer

  • Display the club logo and name on the header.
  • Decide the alignment of the logo and organization name.
  • Set header background image or background color.
  • Add all the right pages to the header menu.
  • Add your social media icons on the header for navigation.
  • Highlight the sponsors by displaying their logo on the header.
  • Add important links to external websites, like the governing body website.


  • Set the season registration status along with any promotional message.
  • Add programs, and set them to display them on the website.
  • Add the required details to the program to help registrants in the process.
  • Choose which programs to display on the website by marking the program as public or private.
  • Pin the programs that are needed to be highlighted on the top.
  • Assign Categories to the program so that the registrants can filter them according.
  • Choose how the programs will be displayed in a row by setting the grid option.
  • Add a registration status widget on other web pages.


  • Add schedules to display on the website.
  • Display Practice sessions online for the teams.
  • Host events and showcase them on the website.
  • Add schedules widgets on other web pages.

Team Pages

  • Each team gets its page on the website if they are set as public.
  • Showcase team pictures, roster, schedules, events, standings, etc.
  • Customize what is being displayed on the team page for each team.
  • Display team announcements and other content.

Privacy & Security

  • Control the roster information displayed on the website.
  • Only show the selected contact details of the staff members on the website.
  • Protect your email address by replacing the ‘@’ sign in the address with an ‘@’ graphic.
  • Choose to publish the right images and videos.


  • Update and publish customized privacy policy as needed for the organization.
  • Update and publish customized terms of service and the end user agreement as needed for the organization.


  • Make sure every web page has a title and description.
  • Keep the title length between 50 and 70 characters.
  • Keep the description length below 160 characters.
  • Make sure the header and footer have links to all the important pages.

Social Media

  • Add all essential social media profile links.
  • Add social media widgets to all relevant pages.
  • Display social media icons on the header and footer.

Domain & Links

  • Choose a meaningful domain name for the website.
  • Share the links to important pages on social media
  • Include the website link in all email communications
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