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Checklist to open error free sports registration
By  Nithin  -
December 26, 2023

Basic details

  • Compose and set the program summary and description
  • Select the right target audience – Player | Team | Membership
  • Enter easy to understand program name
  • Choose right gender
  • Select right program start & end date
  • Set right eligibility criteria by age or grade
  • Choose to keep it private or publish to website

Fee & payments

  • Payment gateway is configured and active
  • Connect the payment gateway with the bank account
  • Decide the amount for the registration fee and admin fee
  • Select right payment option – One-time | monthly | multiple installment | payment plans
  • Select right payment due date and late fee
  • Optionally force to enroll for auto payments
  • Choose to pass online payment processing charges
  • Offer individual and family discounts
  • Specify payment method – online | pay later

Documents, waivers, signature

  • Add right form fields to collect the required data from registrants
  • Select the registration start & end date
  • Prepare the declaration, agreement, and waivers document with program guidelines
  • Ask to upload the profile picture and additional documents.
  • Choose a right signature including drawable e-signature
  • Offers items for purchase during the registration program
  • Select post registration landing page

Registration Controls

  • Select the right registration status (Open, On invitation only, Sold out…)
  • Choose to assign registrants to a team
  • Set right pre-registration and post registration help text
  • Select staff members to receive notifications on every registration
  • Choose to restrict to existing members only

Test Drive

  • Perform a test registration
  • Verify the data collected in the test registration

Website, Communication

  • Verify the website and make sure programs are listed correctly
  • Place the registration status widget on all right website pages
  • Share the registration page on social media
  • Send communication to all members
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